Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Altered notebook

Hi everbody!

Today I want to show you my first altered notebook
which I crafted for Marion Smith Designs

As you can see I used papers from the Nirvana Collection
which I think is just perfect for this kind of project :

Please visit our blog to see more fantastic DT work
and don't forget to leave a comment so you can win
a complete set of Scarlet printables  :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Inspirations for MK

Hello my blog friends :)

Today's card is a DT work for Magiczna Kartka.
I love all shades of pink especially pale pink.

Magiczna Kartka offers you a
big variety of beautiful papers in all shades of pink.

Thank you for all your comments on the previous posts
and have a nice day:)

Products used for this project:

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Monday, August 26, 2013

Fly away

Hi everyone,

I made today's card with Marion's printables :)

I used this fantastic Folder Book Kit Printable: 

but in stead of making a book I made this shabby card.

Did you see our latest release?
Fantastic NIRVANA papers and stamps.
I´ll give you a small sneak peek:

Please stay tuned and come back later today for more inspirations.
My friend Sarah prepared something special for you.
Here is a sneak peek:

For more details please visit Marion's BLOG
Have a nice day!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Lift Project

Hello everyone :)

Today's card is a lift of this beautiful project by Klaudia Kszp 
but she also happens to be is hosting the next
Lift Challenge at Magiczna Kartka.

And here is my card:

Here are the papers I used:

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And here is Magiczna Kartka's new collection with some CANDY:

Thank you for stopping by and have a nice day!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's official!

Hi everyone

I'm thrilled to announce that the Marion Smith Design Team
is now officially completed. Here we are:

It will be a very exciting and creative year for me.
I'm very proud and happy to be in this group 
among such fantastic ladies.

Please visit Marion´s blog and take a closer look, 
say hi to the girls and get to know them a little better.

Don't forget to subscribe to be sure
you won't miss a thing :)

Dzisiaj mam do ogłoszenia fantastyczną nowinę.
DT Marion Smith Designs jest już kompletne.
Oto my na zdjęciu powyżej :)
To będzie dla mnie bardzo kreatywny rok.
Jestem bardzo dumna i podekscytowana, że znalazlam się
w grupie tak wspaniałych i doświadczonych koleżanek.
Odwiedźcie blog Marion aby dowiedzieć się więcej o dziewczynach.
Nie zapomnijcie zaprenumerować wiadomości
od nas bo Marion obiecuje, że będzie się dużo działo.
Ég er með gleðifréttir sem ég vil deila með ykkur.
Mér hefur hlotnast sá heiður að vera valin í hönnunarteymi hjá
Marion Smith. Þrátt fyrir að Marion Smith sé vel þekktur skrapp
hönnuður þá er hér um að ræða nýja línu og nýtt verkefni.

Ég er mjög spennt fyrir þeim áskorunum sem mín bíða
á komandi ári. Að því sögðu þá vil ég hvetja alla til að skrá sig
í fréttabréfið en þar verður allt það helsta að finna hverju sinni.

Connect with Marion Smith Designs here

Thank you and have a nice day :)


Friday, August 16, 2013

Vegetable Garden

Hi everybody,

I'm so in love with vintage pictures of vegetables and fruits.
I really enjoy looking at all those beautiful posters 
and seed bags.

If you share my admiration please visit The Shabby Tea Room 
were you can win some fabulous graphics from Janet.
I had no intention on missing this chance and
crafted this card with some Tilda Papers 
and some scraps I found in my studio.

Before I made this card I found inspiration from my scrap friend 

Thank you Beti :)

Well that's it for now. 
Have a nice day!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Magiczna Kartka Sketch Challenge

Hello my Dear blog friends!

Today I'd like to invite you to our newest

This is a nice and easy sketch,
which we hope you'll enjoy:

and this is what I crafted with the new sketch in mind:

Have a nice day everybody!

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Monday, August 12, 2013

A funny story

Funny story, I was drinking my morning coffee the other day and going through my daily Facebook and Pinterest routine, I see this amazing card with felt flowers made by Ivana Camdzic and I immedately pinn it. "A little piece of art", I thought, "wow, my dream". Then I hear the mail man coming with my daily paper and some bills. "Grrr another piece of paper I won't read, who needs it" I thought to myself. The doorbell rings and he hands me a letter .....AND I JUST SCREAMED ..... I saw an envelope from Iwana and instantly started jumping like a maniac, and then got a tear or two out of joy :) Then I opened it, and I was speechless ....what I saw was exactly the same piece of art BUT IN MY HANDS now. I thought, "ARE YOU SPYING ON ME?" "Or are you in my head, reading my mind?" That was a WOW moment which I will NEVER FORGET Ivana :) Everything is so perfect on your card, and those little flowers, I won't use them no least not right away. I just found the perfect spot for your masterpieces in my room and can´t stop admiring and thinking, how lucky I am to have met such a wonderful friend like you:)
xoxo Aneta

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Shabby Tea Room

Hi everybody !

As you know my love for shabby is big, very big.
The perfect place for people who share this passion with me 

You'll get inspired by shabby chic in there, that's for sure!

I made this card for their current challenge.

This is the inspiration picture:

I used these fantastic Marion Smith Design printable papers :

I covered both papers in gesso to give it  an even more shabby look.
Hope you like it :)

Thank you for visiting !

Thursday, August 8, 2013

lt´s like Christmas

Hello my blog friends!

Today I bring you my next card crafted with goodies from
my dear Ivana :)

Every time I craft with this lovley stuff
it´s like Christmas for me:)

Everything is so perfectly matched for the perfect crafting adventure.
This time I´ve mixed goodies from the 1st bundle: 

and bundle number 6:

And here we go : 

Ivana is a fantastic designer and a very talented photographer.
Take some time to visit her blog and leave a little bit of love for her :)

Thank you for stopping by and have a nice tuesday everybody.